Revolution- Part VII

In my head, it feels heavy today. The feeling of heaviness disappears and suddenly I feel nothing. As I stand here not knowing what's going on, the winds since morning blow the same way they usually do but seem to have a kind of warmth they rarely do. Its summer but the clouds tell me that it'll rain today.

Its evening and I'm walking alone at this garden having no one around. When it pours, I feel sadder. Sadder than I felt in the afternoon. I don't understand why, when it rains, do I feel so lost. Lost or perhaps, I feel most comfortable when it rains. It contradicts. Like I've come home. Not where I belong, but somewhere I can stay for a while. Until I  recognize the next clear path that seemed foggy some time ago.

Is it always about keeping up with our pathways and not about pausing for a moment because we've come a long way? Is it always about knowing everything and not about being real and admitting we're still learning?

I am on my way to understand this revolution is really a revolution. Its about everything. Its not only about inviting a pocket full of new something but also about knowing what it really was when I let go of old everything.
Sometimes its hard to stop and breathe for a while if I haven't known breathing.

And now there are One Hundred and One of you. And I wish if only I could write you letters for all the love you spread here in this tiny space that I occupy. If only I could swim in an ocean of the ink I'd choose to write you letters in.

Because some things; some things are hard to write about.


  1. Nicely said.

    Kind regards,
    ps: All things pass in time.

  2. Your writing style is so beautiful!

  3. You have an absolutely amazing way of writing. Absolutely.

    1. Oh, thank you a tonne, Diwita! :) I appreciate it..!

  4. I feel even more lost, when it rains. And it's raining here ATM. =[

    1. Yes, Zayn, I don't get how does it happen with me as well. It contradicts, really.

  5. oh, how can one be so wise and lovely. I absolutely love every word in this post.

    1. You're generous with your compliments.!

      Thank you so much.. :)

  6. deeply abstract ! could relate to it and feel each of ur words..indeed you build imagery and thought-provocation through your web of words..a lovely warm read..keep sharing!

    1. I will, Rohit. Thank you very much. You know you're one of those people who inspire me to write! :)

  7. "Sometimes its hard to stop and breathe for a while if I haven't known breathing."
    Okay, I really think you should start writing a book.
    You write beautifully,sweetie. Your words melt my heart away!
    I love the rain too, its coolness, its scent, but there are days when I am afraid of it. It's odd. I guess that's how some things in life are.

    1. I'm sure some things are that way, Eprilis! That's how it works, I guess.

      And hey, thank you so very much for your kind words. They inspired me a lot, just so you know. I want to write a book, yes, and I will! :)

  8. It is a long journey and the road does appear foggy... but in the end, its all worth it :)

    1. I'm sure it is. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  9. Wow...I could feel every write beautifully

    P.S:I gave you the Lovely Blog Award..Please acknowledge :)

    1. Thank you so very much! I'm glad and I appreciate it.. :)

  10. Thank you for your kind words! You have no idea how happy I was when I saw that you liked the poem!
    Feeling lost in the rain - I do believe I know that feeling...

  11. Your writing is beautiful.

  12. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, I'm so happy to have found you here as I love your words already.


    1. You're welcome. :)

      Thanks to you too. I appreciate it!

  13. It is alright to stop and pause when you've come a long way. It's ok to take a break :) You're writing is seriously amazing. I'm loving these revolution posts :)

    1. I'm always so glad that you like what I write, Philo. It encourages me more, every time.

  14. You continue to amaze me with your words. Beautiful piece of work again. :)

  15. You find beauty in the smallest of things and it just amazes me.. You know, I think you should work on a book.. You're really really good!


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