Of Moving Forward- Part IV

It's a Monsoon cold night and I have the main door and a window open as the clock meets midnight. Having wrapped in blankets and an old Red sweater, I have my pet sleeping next to bed, as calmly as ever. I don't mind spending the rest of these cold hours looking at him sleeping so peacefully. He knows I'll be there. I know he always is. I guess this is what I'd call contentment. I guess I am, now, contented.

I see books in front, but I restrict myself from reading because I cannot allow myself of the involvement if I have something else in mind too. Nights here are getting colder, darkening the thoughts that lately live in mind. Early mornings are always pleasant but perhaps I have got nothing in my pocket yet. Just yet.

Forgive me, I can't write more.


  1. Monsoon cold... A lovely expression it seems

  2. Very beautiful as always.. I'm so sorry I haven't visited in a while.. I am trying to catch up as fast as I can!! I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award.. the tag is completely optional too.. Have a blessed day and take care.

  3. Forgiven- it's beautifully written :)

  4. I remember the monsoon in Kathmandu... Oh how I long for the Indian sub-continent!

  5. I guess poem than a prose form would make it sound still better…

  6. Introspective piece! Moving forward is positive, and a lot of hard work. It takes so much less energy to stand still in fear, or look backwards with longing or dread. If we quit qrowing we are dead. I enjoy seeing you growing here :) Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate you reading.

  7. the contentment def comes through...love the sitting there with you pet, the rain...restraining yourself from books...i have to do that as well when i have something on my mind...

  8. I like those dark and cold nights, makes it easier to think clearly.

    / Avy

  9. Beautiful Piece.
    I know the feeling!


  10. Thanks for your comment, it is a pleasure to me that people who no speak my language read my blog, really is great :)
    Your blog is great, I read several entries and I run out of words, the way you express is perfect.
    Many kisses, http://thecornerofdreams.blogspot.com/

  11. Hi,
    You have been given a Award.
    Check this link for more details.
    Take Care. :)

  12. This is lovely.... :) does give a feeling of contentment!

    Do stop by my blog sometime :)


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