
Having a mind that time travels doesn’t need to get out of the city to travel. It travels everywhere. I find Travelling one of the most natural and original things on Earth. No one invented it. One invented ways of travelling but not travelling...

Having a mind that time travels doesn’t need to get out of the city to travel. It travels everywhere. I find Travelling one of the most natural and original things on Earth. No one invented it. One invented ways of travelling but not travelling altogether. That’s just what we do. We travel. We commute. By travelling, I don’t mean transporting oneself from one place to another. We’re talking about travelling as a whole transformative experience and believe me when I say this, it blows your mind.
I like the feeling of belonging nowhere, to no one. Because clearly, that’s the ultimate truth. No one belongs to anyone. That’s how you meet freedom. A freedom which lived in you all along. Whoever that you think you belong to, isn’t that a matter of pure and simple coincidence? If you are terrified by not having anything or anyone to belong to, belong to Art.
You choose your own stream. Indulge yourself into the Art of Painting, Dance, Music, the Art of Automotive Mechanism or Human Mechanism for that matter. The Art of Life becomes an umbrella under which all artists lie. The Art of Living, I personally don’t believe in all those teachings from someone who lives a complete different life from those who take the lessons and abide by the tutor. It’s just a waste of time.
Go out. Get a real time experience of being a human. Get insane. See for yourself all the topsy turvy roads that have been planned for you to take. Don’t play safe. No road is safer. Be there and let it kill you.
I’d been running from a lot of things indirectly because there were other things that had been of major importance, practically speaking. Those things, I took them for granted that they would still be there when I’d turn to them. They’re there, but they remind me every now and then that I’m wrong, taking things for granted.
In the middle of everything, do we forget that following your heart is actually the most practical thing to do?


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